

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Glass Houses

Yep, the title explains my rant of the day!  Of course, I am sure that not many people read this, so the "I am offended" list should be pretty short! haha.  Basically, there are too many people in this world that want to live in glass houses and machine gun rocks around them!  Not to say I have not broken the rule myself, but come on, some people are just in search of a way to look down on someone else to make their own miserable self feel better.

What is great, is that we don't HAVE to be a victim and let them win.  I take much pride and pleasure in watching their stones come flying and laugh my ass off at them!  There is nothing more hilarious than seeing someone pointing a finger and they don't realize that you know why there are four pointing straight back at them.  Maybe that is the way to not let people bother me, just realize that whatever they are saying about me, they have four times as much stuff in their own closet that they are hiding.

So, the next time someone says I am not a good person or I am to blame for something I will just continue to laugh and take pride in their own skeletons!  No one in this world knows my intentions and motivations but me and I am completely secure with them.

I really like the idiots that say that someone is responsible for another person's unhappiness, especially when it is people butting into a relationship.  The person that is accusing could be someone that is equally unhappy but yet they would never blame their spouse!  Tell me how that makes sense! LOL!  People are so stupid, especially those that want to destroy what others have out of their own selfishness.

So, I laugh at them and only pity the people that they are abusing in life.  I have never been a victim and I will never allow myself to be one!  So, bugger off, I love my life, love who I am, and know that there is always someone that I am going to make happy.  Jealousy is a bitch, enjoy cuddling up with that at night! bwahaha!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Imaginary People

Have you ever wished that you could turn back time and go back to your childhood?  After all, everything was so much easier back then.  There were no bills to pay, no children to be responsible for, and no REAL responsibilities in life!  But, most of all, the people in your life were real.  Your friends were your friends and whenever you needed them they were there.

It seems as we grow up that "real" part of a lot of people's personalities goes out the window.  The person that used to be there every Friday and Saturday night hanging out with their friends and caring about what they had to say has evolved.  Now, most of those people are the "friends" that are there for you when they need something or only stick around because of the success in your life.

Now, the people that know me well, know that there are very FEW people that I can actually utter the word friend to describe.  After all, that process has been a product of much pain in the past.  Now, caution is due and it seems like you have to enact a strict screening process for those that you hold close in your life.

So, why is it so hard to just be like a child?  For the religious types, that is what Jesus said to do, after all!  Likewise, for the non-religious readers, the concept still applies.  Why can we not just keep our friends close, sacrifice for them, love them, and be truthful at all times with them?  Is friendship a concept of the past?  Are people incapable of endearing themselves to others out of self-sacrifice instead of self-gratification?

I think those are good questions that we all need to look at ourselves and answer.  Everyone needs a little gut check when they look in the mirror and a good topic on which to conduct it.  Therefore, I challenge myself and anyone who is reading this to look in the mirror and say, "Have I been a good 'friend' today, last week, last month, or last year?" and if the answer is no, then ponder how to fix that.  The world sucks enough without having good friends in it!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Mister Fix-it

While taking the girls to school this morning I had the radio on and could not help but listen to the topic at hand.  What was that topic?  Let me tell you, it was a topic that has plagued male/female relationships since the dawn of our species!  Yes, it was about communication and the differences between men and women.  They were illustrating how a woman disliked her co-worker but was upset with her husband and thought her marriage was doomed because he seemed disinterested in her work issues and only commented on what she should do.  Luckily, instead of making a joke of it they merely pointed out that men are fixers!  That is what we do and what attracts women to us.

You see, it is not that we do not care what you are saying.  Merely, we are genetically predisposed to trying to fix the problems of our family.  So, we are basically incapable of just sitting, listening, and empathizing.  Most times we can get it together and realize that you need just that and fight our urge to throw out a solution.

However, one thing that women have to realize is that when you are hurting, we are hurting.  So, if someone is hurting your feelings we want to fix that and make you feel better.  Plus, we know that we cannot go to your work and go throw this woman through a wall.  Therefore, we try to give you tips on how we would solve the situation because we love you and don't want to see you upset.  I know, it is crazy, and probably more than annoying because all you want is someone to listen and let you get it out; but at the same time we are hurting because you are hurting and we want to see you feel better.

I know, it is one hell of an emotional catch 22!  But, this is where we find ourselves on a regular basis.  So, all we can do is hope that women will realize that when we try to stick our noses in and offer up our solutions the best of intentions are there!  We annoy you because we love you and, quite frankly, are incapable of becoming your girlfriends as well as husbands!  So, take the good with the bad and love us for what we are.  The radio DJ made a good statement and said that as long as we are not the type of guy that is out there selling your kids toys for drugs and we are genuinely good men, then don't hold it against us; look for our good and why you are in love with us!  All we want is to see you happy and taken care of.  It is how we show our love for you!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Social Elite

One thing I have never believed in is that a certain group of people are better than the rest.  Therefore, one of my pet peeves is seeing someone who has a bit, or a lot, more money than another person treat them as if they are of lower class or significance to this world.  What gives someone that right?  What gives them the idea that just because there are hundred dollar bills in their pocket that they can demean someone else because they have twenties?

Let me tell you, in my job I have met some of the most interesting people that I have ever met.  Some of them would put the "social elite" to shame with their intelligence and business potential.  Granted, they may waste it on criminal endeavors, but still that sense is there.  I remember a quote from Albert Einstein that says, “I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.”  That quote means a lot because that is how we are supposed to live.

I guess this is one of my soap boxes again because of stuff that I see from day to day.  However, it is still true.  No one deserves belittling remarks or unfair treatment because of assumptions!  Not to mention, some of the people that think they are the smartest in this world are truly the most ignorant!  How great it is to see the mighty fall!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Blast From the Past

So, I took my father to go see the movie "American Sniper" yesterday.  Not only was that movie amazing, but it definitely possesses the ability to transport my mind to days of the past.  Plus, another great thing about the movie was it did not just focus on the shooting and killing of war and glorification that most Hollywood films radiate.  This movie also focused on the personal and emotional toll that war takes on the individual and their families.

As he was going through some of his firefights I could almost hear the whiz and crack of rounds impacting stone.  Luckily, there were few people in that theater that could truly relate, but you could tell the ones that had been there.  You could see the emotion in people's faces when you knew that something was replaying in their minds.

It is amazing how your mind can trap an event and replay it for you in gory detail over and over.  You can smell the same smells, hear the same sounds, and see the same images as if they were happening in the here and now.  But it is just a memory, just something that happened in your past.  So, how can it saturate your mind now and never be watered down with time?  How can a memory be so real so often?

Just like Chris Kyle many Veterans go through the same thing and see the same results.  Families are alienated, spouses are frustrated, and children are confused.  Maybe with this big push for awareness and movies like "American Sniper" PTSD can finally get the attention it deserves.  When it is all said and done us Veterans have to live with the things that we did and the things that we saw.  Some saw very little and some saw more than can be understood.  Either way, all Veterans that have actually seen combat will have seen more and experienced more than 99% of the population!

So, the next time you judge someone for being an asshole and write off his dismissive remarks or demeanor; maybe you should consider where he has been and what he could have been through.  Maybe people should do a little research instead of just assuming that all people in the military can just flip the off switch when they are back home or out of the military.  There is NO OFF SWITCH people, God flipped it into the ON position and then ripped the switch out of the wall making it irrepairable.

Inside every Veteran is the person they used to be and that person can come out quite a bit.  However, there is the person that they were, the person that needed to survive, the person that saw horrific things huddled inside that comes out every now and then.  That person will forever be ingrained in our personalities and our attitudes.  You know why?  Because we have seen and done more things than you ever will and we did it so that you did not have to!  So, be thankful that WE are the ones dealing with the images and sounds of our past and treat your loved ones like me with the respect due.  We took that bullet for you and take it every single minute of every single day.  You rest easy as we awaken in night terrors and soaked in sweat!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Get up Fatty!

Yep, I am referring to myself!  This is my public declaration that I am tired of looking in the mirror and saying, "What the hell happened, man?" and cringing!  So, I have the elliptical, the running shoes, and the disgust of the reflection.  Therefore, miles will be put on that machine and the pavement.

Maybe I should keep a daily log, for accountability purposes, on here at the end of every blog.  That sounds like a good idea.  And if I get slack, feel free to bust me up and make me get off the couch.  It seems like obesity and laziness is an epidemic in our society today and I do not want to be another victim.

When I was a Marine I hated the forced physical training that we had to do.  The endless 5 o'clock in the morning runs and grueling calisthenics sessions that some thought were fun!  Looking back, though, even though they were not enjoyable I did feel great after those runs and workouts.  When I was done it was almost like being high!

So, maybe I can get that feeling back and also that weight that I had.  Yeah, for those of you that have seen me, would you believe that I was all the way down to 172 at one point?  Granted, I looked like a bobble head then, so 185-190 is my goal.  And even though a good weight number is a sincere goal, I think the healthy feeling and ability to do things with your children without losing your breath is even more of a motivator.

Onward ho, let the journey begin!  Tomorrow shall be the first mileage/time count on my blog!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Mad Men

Maybe it was meant to be, or pure irony, but yesterday I wrote about simpler times in our history and today I managed to stumble upon an establishment that rewinds time!  Of course, that rewind is merely extended to their drink menu.  But, that is a step in a good direction if you ask me.  After all, what ever happened to the time when people went to a bar to actually sit down and talk over a drink?

Today, social gatherings are dominated by loud music and binge drinking!  What is wrong with the days the show "Mad Men" illustrates?  Of course, I use this illustration merely in the realm of social interaction out on the town, excluding the workplace.  Anyway, why can we not just sit back, enjoy a drink that takes more than ten seconds to prepare, sip said drink, and enjoy the company of a woman or group of friends?

After all, the purpose of meeting someone is to get to know them through conversation right, not brail?  Once again, I digress that we are a now, now, now generation that does not want to work for anything.  It seems that men just want to go out and get as drunk as they can and flirt with women doing the same thing in an attempt to sleep with them.  Where is the respect in that?  Even old Don, in all his exploits was someone that took the time to get to know someone.  Even if your intentions are to just have a night of fun, what is wrong with sitting back, getting to know someone, and letting alcohol merely cut the tension?  This generation does not seem to understand that, though.

However, I look forward to my chance to sit back, order up an Old Fashioned for the first time and merely sip away, enjoying my thoughts and the company that I am sharing.  I, for one, enjoy the ability to be immersed in the person, or persons, that I am spending the evening with.

So, as Friday night approaches, maybe we should all think about how we are going to arrange our evening.  Are we going to actually take the time to soak it all in, or merely let it be a loud explosion that we recover from tomorrow?  Maybe I am just getting old, but I shall forego the latter.

Bartender, may I have an Old Fashioned please?